
Learn how to create a binder in LendingWise: combine PDF, Word, Excel, and image files into one PDF from your loan file docs for efficient management.

In the world of lending, organizing documentation efficiently is key to streamlining processes. LendingWise offers a powerful feature known as "Binders" to enhance your document management experience. This guide aims to walk LendingWise users through the seamless creation of binders, enabling a more organized and effective way to handle loan documents.

What is a Binder?

A binder in LendingWise is essentially a single PDF file that amalgamates various documents you select from the Docs tab. This unified PDF can include a wide array of files uploaded to a loan file, making document management and presentation significantly more efficient.

Supported File Types:

The binder tool supports various file types, ensuring versatility in document management. Users can incorporate:

  • PDFs
  • Microsoft Word documents
  • Excel spreadsheets
  • Image files

These files can be selected from three primary areas: Uploaded Files & Documents, E-signed Documents, and Auto-Generated Documents, providing flexibility in document organization.

How to Create a Binder:

  1. Selecting Documents: Navigate to the Docs tab within your loan file. Here, you'll find eligible documents for binder creation, categorized under "Uploaded Required Docs" and "Auto-Generated Docs." It's important to note that Custom Auto-generated docs in the Doc Wizard folder require an additional step - download these documents first and then upload them under the required docs section to include them in your binder.

  2. Exclusion of Certain Auto-Generated Docs: While the binder tool is versatile, it cannot create a binder using only Auto-generated docs from the Custom Auto-generated section in the Doc Wizard folder. If attempted, an error message stating "Please Select Any Package" will appear.


  • Encountering Errors: If you encounter an error message during the process, ensure you've selected files beyond just the Custom Auto-generated documents. Including uploaded required docs or standard Auto-generated docs should resolve the issue.

Benefits of Using Binders:

  • Streamlined Documentation: Binders consolidate all necessary loan documents into a single, organized PDF, enhancing the efficiency of document management.
  • Versatility: With support for multiple file types, binders allow for a comprehensive display of loan-related documentation.
  • Ease of Presentation: Sharing a unified document with all stakeholders simplifies communication and review processes.

The binder tool within LendingWise is designed to streamline the management and presentation of loan documents significantly. By following the steps outlined above, users can easily create comprehensive binders, incorporating a variety of document types for efficient organization. Remember, for a smooth binder creation process, ensure a mix of document types and follow the guideline for including Custom Auto-generated documents.

For questions or further assistance with the binder tool, please reach out to LendingWise support at Our team is here to ensure your experience is as efficient and productive as possible.