Updates on eSign/Custom/Standard Documents

This article will be a guide to review the current document that are available for usage under your LendingWise Account. If you are having issues or do not see these documents, please reach out to helpdesk@lendingwise.com


Jan 3, 2023

We have released 4 new custom documents on the Commercial-Residential Module. See below. This is located under Docs tab -> Auto-generated Documents -> Loan Docs ->
DSCR - Rental Loan Application
DSCR - Single Property Loan Application
Fix and Flip - Bridge Loan Application
New Construction Loan Application

Dec 28, 2022

Business Loan Application (link). This is located under Business Funding Module (Docs-> Business Funding -> Loan Docs -> "Business Loan Application")


August 11, 2022

We just have released the new updated URLA 1003 ( Link) . This is located under Docs-> Custom Docs ->  "New 1003")
