Delete a Loan File and Reactivate a Deleted or Archived Loans

We do not delete a loan file in the system, we just deactivate or put them on archive. This is to allow you to gain access to old files, if needed.

To Delete a Loan File, you need to:

  1. Log in to your LendingWise Back Office account.
  2. Go to Pipeline > Pipeline - Main.
  3. Find the loan files you want to delete and scroll all the way to the right to find the "ALL" column.
  4. Place a checkmark in the boxes for the loan files you would like to delete.
  5. Then click on the Mass Update button (blue button with a list icon).
  6. Select Deactivate Files.
  7. Click "Save". The loan files have now been deleted/deactivated and they will no longer show in your pipeline.

Here is a quick video tutorial.

 Note: Only a manager can delete a loan file 


To Reactivate a Deleted or Archived Loans, you need to:

  1. Log in to your LendingWise Back Office account.
  2. Go to Pipeline > Pipeline - Main.
  3. Click the Search icon.
  4. Find the “Active/Deactivate Files” and select “Deactivated Files” from the dropdown list.
  5. Then click Search. This will show all the deactivated files in your pipeline.
  6. To reactivate, click the icon in the Actions field.
  7. Then click Yes to confirm.

Here is also a quick video.