The customizable dashboard has your pipeline with all the active loans and their details.
Logging in as a Back Office user: The Dashboard has a widget to display all the loan stages aka Primary Statuses & sum total for all loan amounts. This can be enabled/disabled 100% in the company profile settings section. You can individually enable or disable and/or edit or add Primary Statuses via the System Settings--> File Status.
Logging in as a Loan Officer/Broker: The Dashboard view will only show loan files that the logged-in loan officer/broker is assigned to. They will not be able to see other loan officers assigned loans in the Dashboard view.
Check out a live guided tour of the dashboard
[Coming Soon: Displaying total Origination & Broker Fees within each Status]
Upcoming Closings
This section displays only loans that have a closing date set. It sorts by the most recent date that hasn't passed yet. This section provides many useful links to do the following:
Folder icon- This opens the Workflow & required docs for the loan file, which allows users to see granular detail on the progress of the loan file. Users can make comments, and update the status of workflow steps or required docs.
Notes icon- See all notes or make a note on the loan file.
People icon- See who is assigned to the file on a mouse over.
The dashboard also shows the following:
Most recent deals- Last set of files the user has viewed.
Top Producers- Displays the loan officers and brokers with the highest loan volume in the system.
Task & Reminders- Displays all the tasks assigned to the user.
US Heat Map- Highlights the total # of deals within each state & avg loan amount.
Pie Charts for types of deals, stages, lead sources, etc…