White Label

You are able to run your entire platform, login portals & webform loan application on your own sub domain. 

Details about this Add-on:

- Your entire domain can be set as "app.YOURDOMAIN.com"

We provide an SSL Certificate so you don't have to!

You will need to create the sub domain on your end and create an 'A' record that points to our IP:

We will need to do several server level configurations to make this work, so let us know when your sub domain is created. 

- Any emails that are being sent from LendingWise, will be sent from the users email address. Make sure to setup the proper DNS authentication settings we will provide to you for the sending domain.

-  "Webform Fueled By: LendingWise" will be removed from your webform applications.

-Background image from the login page can be change to a background image provided by the client.

For example:

Without White-Label add-on

With White-Label add-on (Sample background image)

If you have any questions or would like to know the pricing, please reach out to helpdesk@lendingwise.com


What can I customized? You can customize the favicon, background and logo in the login page

Background size: 1920x1080 pixels if possible

Favicon sizing: 16 pixels by 16 pixels

Logo Size: 250px wide by 150px tall

You can also submit a ticket via this link!

If you are submitting a ticket for these changes, verify to include all attachments needed